“Secret’s in the Sauce”
Co-Sponsor the Art in the Square Pie Contest
On Saturday, September 16, 2017 the Wabeno Area Players will present four performances of “Secret’s in the Sauce.” The performances are free and open to the public and will be in the Courthouse Square during Art in the Sqaure. Performance times are 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 a.m. and 1 p.m. Following the 1 p.m. performance awards will be presented to the actual Pie Contest Winners and an auction of the pies will be held. All proceeds raised from the auction will go towards the Wabeno Area Players and the Erna Rousseau Scholarship which is awarded to students from Crandon, Goodman-Armstrong Creek, Laona and Wabeno. These scholarships include college scholarships to high school graduates and current high school students going to camps and clinics.
Julia Child returns to Forest County along with her good friend (or enemy) Mario Batali. They try to out do each other with the pies they have created for a special contest between the two. Who can guess the secret ingredient in each others pies? Who will win? Will fireworks fly between the two? What is the secret ingredient in each pie?
There is no cost to enter the Pie Contest. The contest is for amateur bakers only. The pie must be entered in the name of the person who made it, and entrants must be 18 years or older to participate. The pie categories are limited to three: fruit/vegetable, cream, and nut. Each pie must be baked in a disposable pie pan, and must be made from scratch. Store-bought pie filling or crust may not be used. The pies must be dropped off at the PIE BOOTH (located on the courthouse square) accompanied by a registration form and recipe (which includes ingredients, recipe name, contestant name and email/phone number) between the hours of 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturday, September 16. Absolutely NO exceptions! The judges will not know names of the bakers; their pies will be identifiable by a number only. The pies will be judged on the following criteria: overall appearance, flavor of the crust and filling, and creativity. 1st and 2nd place in each category will receive awards. $50 in Chamber Bucks and Season Tickets to the 2018 Wabeno Area Players Productions will be awarded for Overall Best in Show. Judging will be conducted with a whole lot of fun by the Wabeno Area Players and will commence at 1 p.m.; prizes will be awarded immediately following. A lively auction of all pies (minus the piece used for judging) will take place immediately after awards with all proceeds going to the Wabeno Area Players. Contact info@visitforestcounty.com or (715) 478-3450.
And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little
by Paul Zindal
November 16-18, 2017 at 7:00PM and November 19, 2017 at 1:00PM
Madonna Hall (1793 Elm. Ave.), Wabeno, WI 54566 – www.wabenoareaplayers.org
Tickets: $15
For Tickets Call: (800) 838-3006
Or Online at: www.wabenoareaplayers. brownpapertickets.com
Then enter “Wabeno” or “And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little”
Their father having deserted them in their childhood, the three Reardon sisters have grown up in a house of women, dominated by their mother, who is only recently dead. But time has erased the tender closeness of girlhood; one sister has married and cut herself off; another has begun to drink more than she should; and the third, after a scandalous incident at the school where she teaches, is on the brink of madness. When the married sister comes to dinner to press the need for committing her sibling to an institution, the simmering resentments of many years burst alive and are exacerbated by the intrusion of a well-meaning but boorish neighbor couple, whose unexpected arrival impels the action towards its shattering conclusion—in which all the pathos, humor and searing honesty of the play combine with overwhelming effect.