And Miss Reardon Drinks A Little is the final Seasons production for Wabeno Area Players

Their father having deserted them in their childhood, the three Reardon sisters have grown up in a house of women, dominated by their mother, who is only recently dead. But time has erased the tender closeness of girlhood; one sister has married and cut herself off; another has begun to drink more than she should; and the third, after a scandalous incident at the school where she teaches, is on the brink of madness. When the married sister comes to dinner to press the need for committing her sibling to an institution, the simmering resentments of many years burst alive and are exacerbated by the intrusion of a well-meaning but boorish neighbor couple, whose unexpected arrival impels the action towards its shattering conclusion—in which all the pathos, humor and searing honesty of the play combine with overwhelming effect.


“In Paul Zindel we seem to have that rarity—a playwright who can write intelligent, sensitive, entertaining plays for a wide public. —Newsweek.


“It is funny and fierce and, well, absolutely extraordinary.” —Boston Globe.


“…he has created three parts that most actresses would trade their souls to play.” —Hollywood Reporter.


This production contains adult language and subject matter.  Parental guidance is suggested. 


It will be held November 16th, 17th and 18th at 7:00PM.  The Sunday performance will be at 1:00pm on the 19th.  The venue for the show will be Madonna Hall in Wabeno.  It is located at 1793 Elm Ave. right behind St. Ambrose Catholic Church.  Tickets are $15 each.  To get tickets for the season productions, you are able to call (800) 838-3006 or go online to  You can choose your seat or have them do it for you.  We now have tiered and comfortable seating.  Not a poor seat in the house!  As always, refreshments and free popcorn are available throughout the shows.  Tickets will only be made available at the door 90 minutes prior to each performance.  Tickets are not guaranteed as most productions will be at capacity.  Please purchase your tickets early for best seating and available dates.

For more information you can go to Wabeno Area Players website at:

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